Become a Sponsor

an opportunity for individuals, businesses, non-profits, coming together to support performing arts education for children in the Pines.

your donation makes an immediate impact in our community through EBA’s programs, performances, & outreach initiatives!

EBA Performance Program Sponsor | $100

  • printed performance program feature with EBA’s spring recital performance

  • performance poster listing for individual or business

EBA Feature Sponsor | $250

  • Program Sponsor benefits listed above AND

  • sponsor feature on customized ELEVE Ballet Academy Instagram posts

EBA season sponsor | $500

  • Program Sponsor and Feature Sponsor benefits listed above AND

  • monthly feature on EBA’s Instagram alongside studio posts, listing business name as a sponsor

  • monthly feature in EBA’s studio-wide newsletter to student families

ballet for everyone is our pulse, and we believe this lovely art form can inspire and strengthen every student that tries one session or pursues many years of training!”

- Katie, director/instructor